Tech Points
Adrenaline Rush [x4]
Sept 3, 2023 23:55:29 GMT -5
Post by Gemikai on Sept 3, 2023 23:55:29 GMT -5
Politics weren't an interest for Gemikai. It was something he loved to avoid. Elders tell him there is a place for politics - but Gemikai never believes it. Take today for example. An important political day for the USD, so important it somehow ended up in Gemikai's calendar without his consent. Gemi was out training early on a Friday morning - push ups, sit ups, and outside physical image training. The outfit vibe was simple green shorts and blank t shirt with black gym shoes. Gemikai was drinking that pre work out the moment he got up for the morning. It hasn't been long, perhaps 2 hours of training solo. Who else would the hazel eyed demon train with? The USD agents in his phone haven't been able to show Gemikai they could actually fight. These days he had to draw a line between him and the other new recruits, and Gemikai did benefit. As Gemikai stood in one spot in a greenhouse grass field of very low cut grass - his mind continued training itself to greater highs.
As he trained, Gemikai had a quick thought of his new job workspace. The training and meeting center is full of men with guns and technology. Some of the technology ain't bad for certain things - but that sayian shit folks saw on the news? It won't cut. As fate would have it - A call from his phone buzzed through his bag not far from Gemikai's location. Gemikai was ignoring it for the most part but it wasn't the first time the call came through. "It's been going off for a minute. It might be important." Renso from deep within spoke to Gemikai. Renso, the Inner Demon teacher - just met him - acting just the way a teacher would. Rich. The response was an irritated humming sound to push deeper into training. It hasn't been a bugging call like this in a while, but that's all the more reason to mind your own business.
The phone went off again in a serious of rings that finally woke Gemikai out of his meditation. Gemikai walked as slow as possible to get to the tree shade protecting his phone and workout bag. When the phone was picked up, all calls had finally ceased but the notifications were crazy. Emails, calls, and apps Gemikai didn't even know he had - were alerting him of an event he's late for. Top priority. Reading all that just made the agent suck his teeth. Standing in the shade was helpful but the sun was feeling undefeatable - and Gemikai was ready to shower. Renso was right - it was definitely important. Gemikai gathered his things and took off to the living quarters. The demon was glad to hop in the shower because he hated sweating excessively over himself like a sick beast. It made the warrior feel weird about his own skin. Once finishing the business in the shower - Gemikai had to dress himself to meet a queen. "If you are going to meet a queen. Provide King Energy." Renso echoed to Gemikai as they both scanned his closet with the eyeballs of the hazel eyes. Of course Renso has experience as a king so he would know how to operate in political stand ins like such. Gemikai nodded to himself and obviously Renso as a decision was made. The agent took off to the destination meeting spot for the Queen's arrival. Gemikai hasn't really met the C.E.O of Universal Syndicate of Defense yet either. It was a big afternoon that Gemikai was bittersweet about. In dress pants, dress shirt, and black shoes - Gemikai showed up in mostly business attire.
This was a proper instinct to dress nice for the divine feminine nature. Arriving on the scene of this business building owned by USD. Security was tight in this large blue building but USD agents been in this building so many times getting past the front door was going to be easy. Once Gemikai got inside, a quick check on his phone happened to let him know what floor the meeting was taking place. Flashing the USD badge to get into the elevators, Gemikai finally got to the last chapter to journeying to a political meeting - one where he knew he was just standing by - like a weirdo military type. The elevators finally opened - twenty five floors - and the hallway was packed with rookie agents. Gemikai was getting the most ugliest looks, because he dressed super nice while being late. A lot of the newbie guys were in standard USD equipment to show extra loyalty to USD. Gemikai must've also missed the part in the email where it was a USD dress code for the meeting. The six foot tall nicely dressed lad moved through the hallways in a nervous fashion. It was obvious Gemikai failed the collective assignment, but Gemikai thought he looked too good to care. Approaching the large meeting room and opening the door. Arriving already late, Gemikai noticed a large meeting room table as he closed in to his destination. It didn't look like it - but Gemikai was interested in meeting the queen low-key - not for politics or planetary revenge. Gemikai wanted to see what the planet Vegeta's power feel like up close in person. What or who was in this room? Many people? A few? One? Stay tuned on the next chapter of Dragon Ball Horizon. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PL: 26,761(SHW) WC: 902
Queen of Vegeta
Tech Points
Lunar Demon Mastered [x28]
Sept 9, 2023 11:59:23 GMT -5
Post by Zaks on Sept 9, 2023 11:59:23 GMT -5
Zaks Sat on the bridge of her warship the Yangcong and smiled at the viewscreen as the USD center came into view. The ships name had come from the first super Saiyan of this generation and unfortunately also been the leader that had lead her armies on the attack on the USD. She was sure it would be seen as an insult but the man had been a good man despite others opinions of him. He had followed orders and been always one to put the Saiyans first. His final battle had been the battle he turned into super Saiyan and held the line until the conflict could be resolved. Zaks wasn't stupid. She understood by the earth and the USD Yangcong would be seen as a villain. Even if by his fellows soldiers saw him as a hero for holding the line vs that harpy.
Her mind shifted back to the scene in front of her as her ship touched down on the landing pad of the building. It was a surprise to see the USD giving her the royal welcome with soldier lined up on both sides of the elevator as she left the ship. She smiled amused as the soldier moved in perfect timing as she and her single attendant Gemini walked the blue walkway they set out for her. It didn't take long for her to make her way down into the meeting room down stairs. "" they sure look nice in there little uniforms. "" Zaks loudly spoke. Earning her a glare from the nearby soldiers though none spoke. Zaks wasn't sure if fear or discipline kept them in check.
Zaks perpetual grin only grew wider as she noticed several soldiers' eyes wonder to Gemini and her black dress she wore. The demon had fallen in love with human high fashion there last trip to earth but had been unable to wear any of it on vegeta as Saiyans cared little for it. It was funny to her that the little demon while smaller then most of the soldiers here could single handedly wipe the base out with ease. Finally she noticed that had arrived at board room with several big wigs sitting in chairs while several soldiers and one out of place warrior stood. The big wigs refused to stand to introduce themselves and merely glared at her waiting for her to start. She could hear them mutter very easily countless curses and obscenities they thought she couldn't hear. "" it always amazes me that everyone thinks my long ears are for just show. "" her comment earned her several blushes from some of the more honest commanders and scowls from others.
With a sigh Zaks looks around the table for a table for herself to sit and finds none fitting for her size and sighs again. It was a constant problem she encountered but not one that bothered her as much as it made the USD look incompetent when the meeting was released later in the news. "" So let's get down to business.`` '' She spoke as she Sat down on her knees and still was slightly looking down at the commanders. "" to be frank I want the Saiyans to possibly rejoin the USD as military allies. Secondly.. . The USD military needs training as I look at it only him."" With a lazy gesture points straight at the one soldier not in there armor. ""Even it interests me slightly. WC 571 Pl. 241,205
Tech Points
Adrenaline Rush [x4]
Sept 12, 2023 21:48:17 GMT -5
Post by Gemikai on Sept 12, 2023 21:48:17 GMT -5
The Saiyan Queen was HUGE. In strong ASF with her Saiyan crew, at least from Gemikai's view. The entrance was in slow motion like a movie. Yeah, Gemi heard rumors of the Sayian Queen being a big woman. But when insecure human men say something like that - it usually was more fat phobic. Gemi was nervous to meet the Queen this entire time and when her power level was sensed - it confirmed more than he was hoping. Gemikai knew the USD would feel some kind of way about the uniform and suit mishap. Oh well. Back to the moment at hand. Gemikai could feel the power levels move through the stairs and towards the meeting room. It was almost show time and the USD agents in the room was ready to get this over with. Meanwhile, Gemikai was opening up to his magical senses. Energy controllers were more common but magic energy users are rare - especially of her caliber. The attendant had the same name as a cousin of Gemikai's, in fact his mom almost named him Gemini. It was a unique name for a nice looking lady. Gemikai attempted to stay back in observation mode as the guests of honor finally emerged from the hallway. The officials in the email briefing was clear to show a silent presence of respect and nobility. Gemikai was basically ordered to sit back and show face. No personal connection to all of this - just filling up numbers for political proper form.
Whatever. Not his first security company that only called Gemi to have proper numbers for a project. There were a secret but no so secret animosity within the Universal Syndicate of Defense against the Queen. Gemikai didnt share the same energy as the big wigs on this one. Gemikai wasn't stupid but he wasn't dumb either. Gemikai knew most organization that looks like USD has fuckery and corruption deep from within. Besides, the USD is a means to protect his planet - politics wasn't his thing. The Queen may have had her beef with earth before, but that was behind Gemikai - he was on the planet but wasn't there. It felt like he got to a party late, and now Gemi would spend some time and energy getting caught up on the planetary drama. But in the place that Gemikai felt he was right now, all he could do is admire silently and hope everything goes successful. Thankfully Gemikai wasn't in the mood to talk - because a great deal of shit talkers, boot lickers, and perverts were exposed with a simplistic of a casual comment. The ears usually always work better than they look for demons. Inside the inner castle of Gemikai was still the faithful and all mighty demon witch-king Renso.
Renso was an ancient demon who go back much longer than many other demons - and whatever before him he was able to find traces through magick. Renso love magick in a way most wouldn't consider. Researching a titan like many other magical species was one of them. They were rare and didn't even thought to be real. Anyone strong enough to even try to stand against the gods were at least paid respects to. It's the original titan's extensive magical blueprint that drawn Renso to his energy long ago. Renso was deep within Gemikai just in pure shock that he was sure the Queen was a titan. For now the witch-king would watch and sense everything around Gemikai as the events unfold. Renso's silence was noticed by Gemikai but before the student was ready to pry things got a little bit interesting in the meeting room. The demon profile will have to wait for another piece of the moment. Renso was at full attention while inside Gemikai because this was history in the making. When the Queen says let's get down to business the attention was all hers - or at least to semi drooling Gemikai. Never knew a woman with a higher power level would be a turn on. But back to the military allies!
Insane. Had the whole room chatting it up. Everybody but Gemikai of course. It sounded a little shocking and nearly the entire group of big wigs were stuck. The rookies and 'vets' of the USD didn't speak up - maybe eventually someone would've said something - but the Queen wasn't finished. She moved on instinct to relay her second request. The room spread like Moses did the river when she singled out the man in the suit. Split apart like the sea - the big wigs and all USD officers turned to Gemikai. Like Gem was caught red handed in the cookie jar. This wasn't what Gemikai had in mind in his morning affirmations when he said all eyes on me, while talking in the mirror before getting to this meeting. Renso was all up in the screen at this point because damn. And with a respectable bow Gemikai made his introduction to the Saiyan Queen in front of his higher chain of command, The Queen, and her security. Remembering he was still on the clock, Gemikai kept the formalities on high.
"My name is Gemikai. Thank you for taking an interest in my fighting skills. It's an honor. I train regularly but I am seeking more ways to get stronger everyday. So I'm open to ideas. I don't have proper sparring partners or gravity equipment yet. I've been training solo mostly and it's not enough. But for you, I'd definitely find a way to take it up a notch! Especially for the alliance of our factions."
Boom. The introduction to the Queen of Saiyans. You could never forget the day you meet a royal - and you never forget a day where a woman calls the shots with leadership and power. Gemikai stepped forward to make sure he was being heard. This earned him all kinds of looks. Gemikai only been here a few months so making a decision like he owned the place could get the USD to fire him later. But with power like he's, Gemikai is one needed warrior everyone will need on their team. Gemikai took a seat at the table, which also - got him some more dirty looks but not enough for anybody to open their mouths. At least not at the table anyways. Now it was the Queen's turn.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ WC: 1056
Queen of Vegeta
Tech Points
Lunar Demon Mastered [x28]
Sept 18, 2023 16:11:11 GMT -5
Post by Zaks on Sept 18, 2023 16:11:11 GMT -5
Zaks judged the room quietly and the man she had picked out amongst the crowd of soldiers. As she studied the room she silently noticed a Magical presence in the room even if she could not sense where it was coming from and that slightly vexed her. Regardless she showed no outward sign of noticing it as she kept speaking to the big wigs in the room. They were skeptical of forming an alliance with the Saiyans, some even going so far as to say it would be a bad idea to say so. A few were more than insulted by her estimations of their forces and these individuals who could not live in reality the Saiyan Queen straight up ignored. Moving from her position at one side of the table she approached the warrior as he stated genuine thank you for her noticing him earning him a smile.
“”Looking forward to ideas Gemiki? If you like I can send you how I trained over the years and well let's say that I attached one of those so-called gravity chambers to the base I am giving the USD.”” With that statement the room went quiet at the statement the queen was just gonna give up the base on earth to them. The only reason the base had not been destroyed or pressured off world was there fear of the Queen but now she was just gonna give it to them? It stunned them to silence, making The Saiyan Queen and her aid smiled smugly at their slack jaws that had only moments before irritated them. “” I won't lie, I want you to get stronger for no other reason than to fight you later. I can see potential in you.”” Zaks was not just blowing smoke in his face either as she felt something about him that she had not felt since another human had fought her in the north city bringing the battle to a standstill.
Zaks understood the men in this room's mindset all too well. It was not much different then dealing with the upper class back on vegeta. Arrogant to a fault but not truly evil men at least not all of them, And just like the one back home she dealt with them on her own time as she spoke to a fellow warrior.”” You will find the base with everything you need to get strong there along with your fellow soldiers. One of the reasons for this is….is someone blew up a City on Planet frost and they are gonna be out for blood. “” holding out her hand to shake Gemiki’s hand the Saiyan Queen smiled before suddenly frowning for only a moment before an even broader grin crossed her face. “” Frost has some of the most powerful warriors and anyone who could have done that should be watched
This close to the young man she could feel it. The gently touch of something magical and if she was to guess he was the feeling she had early when she felt the touch of magic. So this man was the magical power from earlier!! He was slowly becoming more interesting and she vowed to keep a close eye on him.”” so who was your teacher?”” Zaks asked as she allowed her magical to go a little wild sending out signal he should be able to feel as she waited for his awnser. WC 568
Tech Points
Adrenaline Rush [x4]
Sept 24, 2023 14:30:18 GMT -5
Post by Gemikai on Sept 24, 2023 14:30:18 GMT -5
The room continued with it's social surprise as the moment for The Queen to speak came arise. It was almost like they were talking in their own universe and the humans were just background characters. Weaklings. Not exactly something Gemikai would call it off bat, but Gemi had been getting all sorts of lessons about an illness that starts with doubt. Doubting the ability to be greater can really hold a person back from further glory and greatness. Gemikai sometimes had an uncanny ability to believe he's like anybody else on the planet. You know - human. It wasn't an untrue statement, it was just selling a grand creation short. The chair was still as comfy as he'd thought it was, Gemikai didn't look shy to the business setting. This was just a new job beyond security, low level work staying low for the people. Now fate had Gemikai in a fancy building with a queen, political, military, and power. Fate had a strange way of putting things together. Back to the story. Gemikai stayed as casual as possible as the friendly conversation went on. Professional form fortunately is an asset that never dies no matter the shift.
It was just no need to be stiff like the people sitting next to him. The ideas came out from the Queen in graceful details enough to keep the ground room folks reeling. A gravity chamber equipped onto a base. It was something that even Renso was happy about - Renso knew gravity training was up next but money wasn't ready for it. You can never ask your lame ass job to get better equipment so that you can become a better employee. Why? Because they always never can. But this was grand. The face Gemikai was definitely a smile at the thought of getting stronger at a faster pace. "That would be great! I'll go beyond the distance."
It wasn't the most professional but it was moving to say the least. Gemikai thought the day was going great so far. To gain a sponsor in order to get stronger out of nowhere is so wonderful. The imagination was immediately filled with making sure Zaks is proud of her investment. Only those two looked happy about it - everyone else started getting comfy watching from the back - even if they were sitting in the front of the table. Then she continued her talking piece. This talking piece was specifically stating her deeper intentions. For a one on one fight with Gemikai. To right out the gate see such potential, and to invent in it to experience the fruit. Every bit of his training, Gemikai was so made to go further and fate has brought one of the best to help take him there. To give a warrior a goal to climb. Her power was insane, but if she believes in Gemi's potential - then there is nothing left to talk about. Gemikai had a small healthy bit of fear in the back of his mind, but not enough fear to be denied. Gemikai took his fist in the air with a salute as he cheered on to accept this challenge.
"Challenge accepted. I'll be the strongest ally you ever have! And I'll get fast strong to give you a fight that you won't forget. Believe it."
An optimistic fellow at heart - it was nice to hear strong moral code of ethics in a room of politics and figure heads. Maybe that season of business has now passed, and maybe the season of power has claimed the table. Paperwork or money won't completely connect with Saiyans - they respect strength. Earths usual political style is unattractive to natives of Vegeta. If the USD and the Saiyan Empire were going to work together - the USD can't be lacking. It wasn't arrogance that Gemikai carried, but integrity. Before further curiosity could ensnare his mental of the Saiyans problems, motives, and desires - the Queen spoke again in earnest of light of new developments. The Queen came with news. This news wasn't the good kind. A city in the planet frost was destroyed - and they are not the peace making people to begin with. War could easily erupt from grief, fear, anger, or even the desire to protect themselves. Gemikai was thinking of what war could really feel like. Gemi kept a mental note to research more on the subject later. But for now a moment of silence to recognize the gravity of the situation at hands in their universe.
Then the Queen moved closer for a handshake, a move that accidently pushed the back of the crowd to remember that the strong situation was still too much for them to bare. Gemikai didn't need to think twice, the desire to shake her hand birthed long before he even left his own living quarters today. Gemikai shook the hand quickly and with a bright smile on his face. As the energies shook she continues to let Gemikai in on her feelings of the frost tragedy - to make sure it sank in.
"I see. I will work harder to prepare for anything. We will keep a stronger eye out for heavy hitter in the cosmos. We will be proactive to this news as we continue to build a stronger foundations of fighters and resources fitted to stand against any threats of the universe - and more importantly to keep peace."
Gemikai had the value of a peacekeeper already in his spirit. So his words were genuine and loud - looking at no one else but the Queen. Of course, he tried his best not to look in admiration but Gemikai was smitten. Gemikai had research and training to do asap but right now could be a turning moment for Vegeta and Earth. As the handshake went it's final stages they both probably could likely get a better sense of each other. Gemikai wasn't going to comment his feelings but continue to be professional - but then the Queen shifted the conversation to a more personal vibe. Who is Gemikai teacher? Gemikai gave an innocent blink to the question, the heart was pounding, and a small chuckle was released from his lips before a response had to be dropped in the room.
"I am of a witch king lineage by birth. I am also a Pupil of The Guardian of Earth. At your service." ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ WC:1057
Queen of Vegeta
Tech Points
Lunar Demon Mastered [x28]
Oct 25, 2023 22:54:43 GMT -5
Post by Zaks on Oct 25, 2023 22:54:43 GMT -5
Zaks had to respect the man before her immensely even if she despised his peoples government. She felt nothing but honest and earnest feeling from him every time he spoke or acted in there Exchanges. To be honest he reminded her of Tanya in a way just a honest soul dealing with the unfair world around them and refusing to become something else. Even Zaks could not say the same when she had been put to the test since becoming the leader of the Saiyans. she had grown harder and less friendly then she had been in order to deal with the issues of the Saiyan people. She would keep an eye on him in the future as he seemed like a good person to know and honestly Zaks wanted to further sponsor the young man for many reasons. She wanted a good challenge to fight and when war finally came to the earth or Vegeta that there would be some one on earths side who could fight. sure they had Mr. Super Saiyan to protect them but honestly no one knew if he would even show up at all at the next Crises. "" I cant wait to see what you will do in the future Mr Gemikai. If you can think of anything i can do to help you or earth within reason let me know.""
another thing she had liked about Gemikai was when she mentioned the danger that could come from frost there had been no argument or downplaying of the danger. He merely accepted what she had to say as a valid point and something to work on in the future. While she really did not like the USD all that much she could Respect its warriors who were the ones that mattered compared to the politicians and the false warriors of the organization."" Well then if it comes to war I am glad to have a man like you on the battle field with me. "" "I am of a witch king lineage by birth. I am also a Pupil of The Guardian of Earth. At your service."
for some reason the Witch king gave the Half titan pause almost like she should know of them making the monarch wonder what else was buried in her memories. But the Guardian of the earth was a name she had heard about from her old teacher Master Vegeta. it was a name she would not bring up in front of all the leaders of the USD for a good reason but there was no harm just saying there title like Gemikai had. With a warm smile the Saiyan Queen Gestured to the door leading from the room despite having only just arrived to the meeting room. as far as she was concerned she had stated everything she had wanted to Say to the leaders of the USD and Gemini would be staying behind to answer more Questions on the matter with them. Currently something else had come up with him Saying he knew the Guardian. "" sorry to be so abrupt but.. has your master ever Mentioned the Dragon balls?"" Zak would ask as they paced down the hallway to her ship on the roof if he had accepted her invitation to follow her. "" IF you had not heard....they are an item i am searching for her on earth... to bring back all the people that died in the attacks by Lairi and ...us Saiyans."" Taking a deep breath she reached into a pocket and pulled out her five star Dragon ball for him to see. "" Would you help me find them? or... well honestly.... I am not sure what to ask...i don't trust the leaders of the USD not that I think they are bad men but....you never know.
She knew she was taking a risk with asking this Question but .. well she needed help to bring back Liaris victims and ceruleans that her people had killed . She just hopped she was making the right call. WC 671
Tech Points
Adrenaline Rush [x4]
Nov 2, 2023 21:34:46 GMT -5
Post by Gemikai on Nov 2, 2023 21:34:46 GMT -5
The conversation was going well! Gemikai no doubt felt great! There was one concerning point; however, and that was USD's real response to Gemikai stepping up to the plate to service the needs of the Sayian Empire Leader Zaks. It was about this time Gemikai was able to take a deep breath and once again steal a moment to admire her figure & shape. Women weren't built like that on earth, and so Gem found it to be so rare. The power she has is incredible sitting near her alone felt like a wild ride - Gem can see colors sparkling through her aura as she minds her business. This wonderful inner display was ruined by the looks of a few of the co workers in the room. You could tell these people were none combat members of the USD faction, and so a presence like Zak just stirs them up. Not to mention the past they've had with Zak and the army - the bad blood can infect everywhere and everyone, unless someone steps up and cleans up the mess. Gemikai knew what it actually meant when it comes to being a peacekeeper. The human and sayian beef is so lame, it's brought on by years of fighting over nothing. Gemikai began to consume the first statement during the conversation, it humed in true kindness and proper communication handling. Upon instincts, Gemikai spoke out with a smile to keep communicating his feelings to his honored guest.
"Thank you! The base & the opportunity to see you in one day is plenty!"
The smile doesn't fade. Not in a creepy way but the conversation was so pleasant it's hard to not smile. It was a low smile when Gem was in active listening mode, but when the young warrior thought about what to say his feelings would show on his face. Mentally, Gem was trying to figure out how strong he needed to get to match Zaks attacks. Gemikai hadnt really been facing stronger opponents recently. Most of the humans don't have a rising power level - the ones that have a solid power level don't know how to use it. At this point the only person who had power like this was Athren and maybe Gemikai's own sensei Master Dende. And that was one powerful godly warrior. Fate has brought him another - and this one also appears to see potential in Gemikai. He didn't know what strength enough to match them would look like today - but maybe tomorrow and the next day will continue to create that vision. Gemikai just had to believe in himself - even while sitting in a business meeting room way above his pay grade.
"Of course! This is a new Generation of The USD. I wasn't here when all that other shit went down, but I'm here now. Things will be moving differently now that I'm on board. We are still rebuilding but if war comes - - You won't be fighting alone. I'm here."
The looks across the room was hell with eyeballs. They were making notes but not a word was said to them, so the non combat NPCs stayed quiet and besides, the Leader of USD was nowhere in sight. Also Gemikai was pretty sure Zak scared these men anyways, so that was also a deep factor to weight in. Gemikai can hear Renso grumbling in his chambers - the demon can feel his inner teacher getting concerned. The concern didn't start until Gemikai signed up to help with war, a subject Renso knows all too well. Gemikai wanted to usher in a new dawn for the USD and it's power structure. An alliance built off possibility of war felt grim, but Gem had to believe he could turn the connection into love. The conversation started to continue - and although the narrator is explaining this with depth this is still happening pretty fast. It's super dope to meet a titan queen. The last bit Gem spoke really put a shock in the people's spines. A lot of people were confused and off put - not by just the information but the casualness of confidence that came with it. The Queen jestured a hand motion to continue the conversation while on the move - as in outside of the meeting room. The human non combat mother suckers were just sitting there feeling useless, invisible and disrespected. Gemikai took a look around the room with a small bit of nervousness with a small hope that they wasn't going to freak out about the meeting room interception.
Gemikai followed the titans request and with her crew they walked out that bitch movie style. The young warrior was intrigued and could tell immediately the Queen knew what the dragon balls were - before anything could be confirmed she popped the question. As they walked Gemikai was silent for a minute allowing the Queen to state her knowledge of the dragon balls. Gem responded with a quickness to keep the energy of the conversation going.
"Yes I am aware of it's existence and purpose. You seek the dragon balls for a big wish. A most precious one. I've never thought about looking for the dragon balls. But I do think a wish like that would help everybody to be honest. I don't mind helping for the search to bring back those people. I'm not interested in the politics of any of this. I don't like those guys either. I just work with them to get in the action. I just joined these guys to protect my planet and I knew playing a little professional goes a long way."
This was a big risk. Deals with the Sayian Queen? Like, Gem doesn't even know her - but he's super gitty around her. Walking her to her ship n shit. All this could be more dangerous than Gem bargained for. The wish was big! But also something that needed to happen. It was one of the biggest things it could've been used for. A heavy plotline. What will the Sayian Queen say next? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Horizon.
WC: 1013
Queen of Vegeta
Tech Points
Lunar Demon Mastered [x28]
Nov 12, 2023 6:12:48 GMT -5
Post by Zaks on Nov 12, 2023 6:12:48 GMT -5
Zaks smiled at Gemikai with a smile that reached her eyes as she listened to him. He had a great head on his shoulders and from what she could tell in her meeting with him he was just a great guy. He had the Making of a great leader in him as she could see him making people like him with his positive and logical attitude. More then that he seemed to know a lot more that was going on then it would suggest like the dragon balls and Zaks was pretty sure the rest of the USD did not. "" Yes I seek to make a few big wishes to right more then a few wrongs. I wish I was more like my Wife Tanya... and doing all of this with the purest intentions. But honestly I just want her to be happy and proud of me. Yet...."" The Saiyan queen seemed to stop as she thought about something for a moment longer."" All I can think about is how this wish will improve how the Galaxy sees us. All i can think about is what we gain by doing this...and how she will view me."" Zaks would never be the person that just did wanted to help people for the sake of doing the right thing as it was not her nature to do so. She loved to help others but she always looked at the gains or how to get people to help themselves.
"" It is something you have and her have in Common Gemikai. I hope you get a chance to shine in the future.""
Zaks wished That Gemikai was the leader of the USD even if she could never voice it herself out loud . He made her want to trust him on a level that was actually slightly unnerving to the Saiyan Queen. Maybe it was his easy but dutiful way he did things. Maybe it was that he seemed to no care about things that did not truly matter like past battles. Pride or Hate. and it was time to change the line of thinking before Zaks started to think to much.
"" HMM are you single?""
The words hung in the air for a moment and as Gemini gapped openly at the Saiyan Queen. Zaks could not grin playfully as she changed the topic at a completely random time. "" I don't know how earthlings really have dates buuuut.... In my original Culture the oldest woman would arrange Dates for there nieces and Nephews"" As she spoke Gemini turned purple except her ear that seemed to almost turn black as her embarrassment rose.
Gemini could not help but suddenly turn even darker shades as she realized what she had just said loud enough that anyone would hear her from even a distance. The entire time Zaks just sat there with a goofy smile on her face as her niece dug herself a hole. "" Well Gemikai. who is Cuter? Little Gem here? or this 250 year old woman?""
WC 512
Tech Points
Adrenaline Rush [x4]
Dec 19, 2023 13:42:47 GMT -5
Post by Gemikai on Dec 19, 2023 13:42:47 GMT -5
Walking a lady to her car. Or - her nice space ship to be accurate. It felt almost gentlemanly ya know? But a meeting like this was fate - and more was in store for the conversation at hand. The dragon balls were a powerful discussion in any room. It wasn't something Gem boy could just talk about with normies about. Besides, around the time Gemikai pushed past wishes and into his own reality of goals - determination became more important than wishing for something. Gemikai didn't think of a wish. Maybe to get stronger - but the thought was fast and fleeted - because Gemikai remembered how fun it is to get stronger everyday on your own. The camera flashes back to Gemikai chatting it up with the Queen & her team like he was something important. Maybe he was - maybe the next time he saw her he would be much stronger - maybe Gemikai would expand on that investment. Then the Queen brought the interesting bond between she and her wife. Saiyan Queens huh? Felt like quite a world the Saiyans live in. Queen Zaks spoke highly of the other Sayian Queen, The internal energies of who we were and who we are trying to be, and the depths of doing something for more than pure intentions. Gemikai was grateful for his own emotional intelligence during that part of the conversation.
To talk as people.
The honesty was very appreciated. We all want our lady to view us in the best light. Gem don't exactly have one but boy did he understand it. Gem was compared to the Queen's wife. She must have some good - PRESSURE for such high praise. Oh Gemikai wondered what the other Sayian looked like. Fortunately, Gemikai knew how to keep it professional and his curiosity wonders. From combat to cuddling - Gem was having a good day. Now that the trust, chemistry, and vibe was right what could go wrong? Not a damn thing, but then the Queen said something wild that caught everyone off guard! Meanwhile, back on the inside of the meeting room just left - USD officials began to gather themselves up after such a debotched meeting. The business people of USD started talking among themselves for a few minutes now while Zaks and Gem were out of the building. Finally the group of pencil pushers grew a bit of a backbone and took off down the stairs - to find the only one they could really yell at. Back to the Zaks crazy question moment back outside the building in front of their spaceship. Zaks asked - in front of like every damn body by the way - was the man single! It was a great thing Gemikai was darkskin or a blush would show almost immediately, but the smile that appeared on his face could not be denied. Renso was internally screaming for Gem inside their hidden library tucked within him. This smile was obviously stronger than the smile Gem been kicking to the Sayians previously that day.
Gemikai was starting to love the Sayian body way too much for all this slight Convo. Even the buddy Athren was super fit. But let's get back to present, because the demon girlie on the side started responding heavy to her Queens words. Gemikai did take a quick double take at the assistant, but due to respectful purposes in the presence of the Queen - Gemikai looked most alert. The question she asked was easy to answer but the context and time of launch threw Gem off so in that moment it took a few seconds before Gemikai could just tell Queen Zaks he was indeed, single as a pringle. That couple of seconds was all Zaks needed to follow up by stating her intentions. That playful grin on the Queen's face showed so much character to Gem - Gemikai didn't even notice his bosses coming around the corner to attempt to intercept the fun by likely aggressively reminding Gemikai who's boss around here. Then the scene for the business co workers got worse when the Queen went into details about the customs of dating to Gemikai. This information was bursting into his head like a rocket - to know the women were so forward was a turn on. The demon assistant was getting called out majorly and the fun was just getting started.
Then the Queen asked who Gem would prefer! Lawdy Gemikai almost thought this was a dream. Not that he was a stereotypical straight earthling human who was weak at the knees for any woman that looks at him. Gemikai wasn't the most attracted to many women on his planet, never knew why until now. Maybe he was attracted to women with more - pressure. Gemikai opened his mouth to speak - the bald martial artist couldn't hold it in any longer.
Gemikai: "Well now we are having the juicy conversation. NOW TO BE REAL I LI-"
"Mister Gemikai we have much to discuss regarding your new estate. We need to establish this immediately - and the new information needs to be debriefed we have no time for idle chit chat!!"
One of the older humans yammered while the rest directed Gemikai back into the building. This was one of those cartoon moments where the group of suits grabbed Gemikai by his clothes and began to drag him back to the stairs to separate Gemikai from his new friends. Gemikai was obviously stronger than the humans but had a feeling they would come around the corner to kill the joy out of this new found connection. Gemikai waved as he went back into the building - a wave of goodbye to the Queen and her people. "Successful Meeting! Sorry I gotta get going! I'll start training. We will see each other soon! Thanks again!" And with those last words Gemikai was pushed into the building where the door was shut. Ending the meeting of two demon souls. For now, of course. When will they meet again? On what terms? Find out next on the next episode of Dragonball Horizon.
WC: 1004 Total Thread WC: 5,032
Queen of Vegeta
Tech Points
Lunar Demon Mastered [x28]
Dec 26, 2023 21:29:26 GMT -5
Post by Zaks on Dec 26, 2023 21:29:26 GMT -5
Zaks laughed out loud from the situation at hand even as her embarrassed niece tried to slap at her in an effort to get her to stop talking. Gemini she could tell liked the earthling even if she would never admit it openly. Gemini was not attracted to Saiyans as most of them were not very good at giving compliments even if they were loyal once they chose to be. It didn't help that she put her duty above all things and really didn't have time for such things. "" Alright alright looks like you both got Saved by the officer workers so to speak."" She laughed before she turned back to Gemikai.
"" We will see you next time.... might i suggest you keeping a capsule with a nice outfit in it on you? owoww stop hitting Gemini its unlady like."" With barely contained mirth she scolded her niece who was jump trying to smack her upside the head in embarrassment. She had also liked the reaction she had seen with the young man as well and knew he had liked one of them. Hopefully not her as she was already spoken for but not that she wouldn't take it as a compliment.
Watching the young man be swarmed by the Politian's, businessmen and career solders of earth made her feel sorry for the man. She did not like it when the Saiyan Elite did that to her and they were much more direct and simple in comparison. She could not help but mouth good luck as she dragged away Gemini just in case any of the men that were focused on Gemikai would turn to her.
They quickly escaped to the ship were she sat down and briefed the rest of the men on board of her ship. Most were ok with the deal but there was some complaints that she had to make some promise to be wary of the humans and there schemes. If she had listened it might have saved her much heartache in the future.
"" Set a course for north City. Time to start looking for the dragon balls""
With a smile she turned away from the rest of the Crew and back to Gemini who was still sulking in the corner. She almost didn't do it but in the end she could not help herself. She loved teasing Gemini and would probably never stop even if the child was actually getting good at her retorts. "" Soooo... was he"" Before she could finish Gemini blasted Zaks in the face in front of everyone. it didn't actually hurt the Queen but everyone froze in shock and that included Gemini "" Shit... To late to say sorry?"" Yep"
WC 449 TWC 2771
"Only A Failure Abandons His Principles And Pride."
Jan 8, 2024 23:45:44 GMT -5
Post by Admin on Jan 8, 2024 23:45:44 GMT -5
Name: Gemikai Previous PL: 108,000 PL Gained: 10,064 New PL: 118,064
+2 TP Previous TP: 10/30 New TP: 12/32
Previous Zeni: 14,896 Zeni Gained: 3,623 New Zeni: 18,519
Name: Zaks Previous PL: 254,258 PL Gained: 1,828 New PL: 256,086
+0 TP Previous TP: 10/56 New TP: 10/56
Previous Zeni: 4,483 Zeni Gained: 1,219 New Zeni: 5,702